"In The Farmhouse Kitchen" cookbook
A collection of recipes from the Mill River Farm kitchen. Proceeds from our cookbooks are used for the farm's Building Fund. We appreciate your support.
This cookbook is designed to help you prepare real food, reduce your grocery bill, eliminate packaged foods and fast foods from your diet. Hardback with comb binding, lays flat easily when opened to any page. 300 total recipes, 165 pages, plus 18
pages of helpful cooking hints and tips.
Read all about it in the Mt Airy News and
Get a sneak preview of the complete recipe index!
Cookbooks are available at our farmers market booths, at the farm, at Mayberry Antique Mall (booth JJ),
Buies Market
and Southern Home & Kitchen.
Each cookbook purchase includes a free e-Book copy of the recipes for use on your Kindle or other eReader.
Order Online via Paypal
$15.50 each plus $5.00 s/h per book
Order by Mail
Send your name, address, email address, and phone number with a check or money order to:
Mill River Farm
731 Cain Rd
Mt Airy, NC 27030

front cover
Please contact us if you want to purchase more than 3 copies. Shipping charges will be adjusted to discount bulk rates.