Fed Limousin Beef
Mill River Farm is proud to offer Limousin beef for sale directly
to individuals. We believe our beef will satisfy the most
discriminating palate. Grass Fed beef has at least 25% less fat than
typical choice beef. This is your source of nutritious, delicious,
low-fat and all natural Limousin beef.
Our naturally fed beef is raised on all natural pasture and top-quality
hay. Our cattle remain on pasture during finishing. They are never
confined to a feed lot for finishing.
Limousin is also known as "The Butcher's Beef" due to it's
fine flavor and tenderness.
Click here for prices and information about bulk packages.
Please contact us to place orders or make inquiries.
grass fed beef has:
- No antibiotics
or medicated feeds
- No steroids
- No hormones
- No animal
- No artificial
- There are
no fillers of any kind and no water added.