Range Eggs
makes our eggs
so exceptional?:
- No
- No
- No
- No
- No
never use pesticides, fungicides or herbicides on our hens or
their pasture. We do not use detergent baths or oil coatings
on our eggs. |
raise heritage breed chickens for our eggs. Our current
laying flock includes Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Delawares,
Black Australorps and Sexlink crosses. We added Ameraucanas and
Easter Eggers in 2008 for their blue and green shelled eggs.
Experience for yourself the difference fresh greens make in egg
quality and nutrition. Whites are not runny and sloppy, yolks are
firm and a rich marigold color, even the shells are thick and hard.
And taste? Absolutely delicious, a rich flavor simply unrivaled
by store bought eggs!
brown eggs and blue/green eggs stand out over the store-bought

Barred Rock and Rhode Island Red pullets

Red Sexlinks foraging on grass and clover

Blue Ameraucana pair
of the Good, Less of the Bad
Eggs produced
by pasture grazed hens have less fat and far less cholesterol, more
Omega-3 fatty acids (vital for optimal heart and brain function),
and a very high level of beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A). Our
chickens are not fed chemicals or hormones; they simply live as
nature intended enjoying a fresh, natural, free range diet . Our
hens enjoy a wonderful, happy life so they can produce the most
nutritious eggs for you.
Mother Earth News recently offered results of documented studies
which test compared free range (pastured) eggs to factory produced
USDA eggs. When compared to factory grown eggs, free range eggs
have, on average:
• 1/3
less cholesterol
• 1/4 less saturated fat
• 2/3 more vitamin A
• 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids
• 3 times more vitamin E
• 7 times more beta carotene
Read the complete
article online: Mother
Earth News Article